Psycho-socio-pathology is a term coined by the psychoanalyst Norberto Keppe, designated to this new science that he developed which studies the causes, the inter-relations and the treatment of psychic, organic and social illnesses as a whole.
Therefore, the psycho-socio-therapy is the method of treating the individual’s pathology united to the social structure through the conscientization of psycho-socio-pathology.
The Science of the Third Millennium
One can say that it is the newest and most necessary science of the third millennium per excellence, because all others depend entirely on it since the human being and society are the ones who developed all other disciplines.
It is interdisciplinary, due to the fact that, when one is treating the human being’s pathology and that of society that is equally ill, psychosocial therapy should be applied in all areas of activities.
Its focus is in society in general – in schools, industry, hospitals, associations, community centers, in the media, in temples and in all centers and groups who are interested in improving the quality of life of its citizens and the health of society.
Consciousness – the most effective therapeutic instrument
Psychology studies the behavior of the human being and its corretion, psychoanalysis investigates the human being’s unconscious, and Keppe´s psycho-socio-pathology, studies its consciousness, its energetic power and the pathologies created by the human being’s rejection.
Having been applied in individual and social levels levels, conscientization proves to be a highly efficient instrument that not only prevents, and corrects psychic, organic and social illnesses but also when applied to education through a Trilogical Psycholinguistic method, it assists in the learning process tremendously by eliminating interior blockage towards development.
In the field of accomplishments, psycho-socio-therapy increases productivity, assists in solving conflicts in the work environment, sparks the individual’s entrepreneurial abilities, diminishes accidents, illnesses and sabotage in the work place and develops the professional ethic.
The Psycho-Socio-Therapist
The Psycho-Socio-Therapist utilizes differentiated techniques from that of a psychosomatic therapist and his curriculum doesn’t only include knowledge of physiology, physics and psychopathology, but is also directed towards the study of economy, social science, administration, social assistance, the arts, ecology and education.
The methods used by psycho-socio-therapists vary from lectures, classes and workshops on interiorization and conscientization to the study of therapeutic literature, videos, community and artistic life, group therapy, concerts and ecological reflexive walks.
Their field of action in society in general, takes place in schools, industry, hospitals, associations, community centers, in the media, in temples and in all centers and groups who are interested in improving the quality of life of its citizens and the health of society.
Bibliography – Proton Editora published a number of books that deal with the subject of psycho-socio-pathology. [Find out more]