Norberto Keppe
The Analytical Trilogy is the result of the development carried out by the psychoanalyst Norberto R. Keppe and his assistant, the psychoanalyst Cláudia B. S. Pacheco, of the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud, Jung, Melanie Klein, Wilfred Bion, joined to the work of philosophers and theologians of greater importance as: Socrates, Plato, Saint Augustine and the scientific discoveries of Michael Faraday, Nikola Tesla and the revelation of Christ.
Analytical Trilogy - Integral Psychoanalysis
Analytical Trilogy is the development of Integral Psychoanalysis, created by Norberto R. Keppe who unified science, philosophy and theology. Keppe named his method Trilogy, based on the result of a study Of the Human Being: Feelings (Love), Thought (reason) and Aesthetics Of Society: Theology, Philosophy and Science (and the Arts) Of God: The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost (The Holy Trinity) And Analytical, due to the fact that it is an experimental science and accomplishes an analytical scientific work.
Trilogical Psychopathology
Contrary to psychoanalytical, psychological, psychosomatic and psychiatric orientation, Keppe is the only scientist who points out that the main causes of mental illnesses are related to psychic factors, that is, factors that arise from the individual’s own interior linked to the inverted application of his will. As a consequence, Keppe developed the first real psychological science. And, by applying psychoanalytical science to studies accomplished in Philosophy and Metaphysics, Keppe discovered that psychic illness (neurosis and psychosis), likewise, organic and social illnesses, are the result of the distortion and destruction of pre-existent sanity in the human being. Malum privatio boni – Evil being the privation of what is good, in agreement with philosophy; and in science, illness being the privation of health.
Trilogical Spirit-Pathology
Keppe accomplished the unification of the field of spirituality with science when he considers that the human being was created essentially in goodness, beauty and the truth, but, due to his opposition towards his Creator (theomania and envy) he inverts his will falling from a perfect conduct into illnesses and suffering. In this sense, the human being is similar to fallen spirits which Keppe calls schizophrenic angels – and shows the similarity in behavior of psychotics and those who are sicker, with these unhappy and destructive creatures in transcendence. Conscientization of this problematic (psychopathology) is the only means of solving the spiritual, social, psychological and organic issues.
Trilogical Socio-Pathology
Based on Keppe, another fundamental aspect related to the etiology of human difficulties is found in the field of socioeconomic structure when it is organized to serve those who detain a pathological socioeconomic power. This type of organization, whose laws and philosophy are based on inverted values, is the other cause for mental and organic illnesses.
New Physics
Keppe studies in physics have led to a new name for the science: Energetics, or the New Physics. This was made possible by his disinversion of Aristotelian Metaphysics to arrive at an understanding of the origin and energetic functioning of all beings. He has written essential books on the subject, culminating in his book, The New Physics Derived from a Disinverted Metaphysics, whereby he has provided a unification of physics, biology and psychology. The Keppe Motor technology is a practical application of this new theoretical physics also called Magnetonics by Keppe (the study of magnetism).
Study Groups
The landmark science that helps you be a better human being
Join us for this continuing education series from the Keppe & Pacheco Trilogical Colleges. These weekly study groups on the science of Analytical Trilogy provide you with the self-knowledge and emotional equilibrium that will free you to do good, beautiful and truthful things for humanity.

Norberto Keppe
Norberto R. Keppe, psychoanalyst, psychologist, pedagogue, social scientist, (independent) physicist, writer, did his psychoanalytic training in Vienna, where he was trained by teachers such as Viktor E. Frankl (Polyclinics Hospital, School of Existential Analysis), Knut Baumgarten (Child Guidance Clinic) and Igor Caruso (Deep Psychology Circle). He is the founder and President of the Society of Integral Psychoanalysis or Analytical Trilogy (1970)

Psychoanalyst, psychologist, writer, Director of the Keppe & Pacheco Trilogical College, founder and president of the Keppe & Pacheco Institute of Science and Technology and Vice-president of Sita – International Society for Analytical Trilogy, Cláudia Bernhardt de Souza Pacheco has been an assistant to Norberto R. Keppe since 1976, when she graduated in Integral Psychoanalysis with the thesis Freud and Integral Psychoanalysis.

In the beginning, ISAT was called Society of Integral Psychoanalysis and was founded in 1970 by the psychoanalyst, philosopher and social scientist Norberto R. Keppe, when he was still working in the sector of Psychosomatic Medicine at the Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo (USP) who, together with a group of doctors and psychologists, wanted to deepen and develop the discoveries of Sigmund Freud, Melanie Klein and the other schools of psychoanalysis.

Integral Psychoanalysis
Integral Psychoanalysis (Analytical Trilogy) is a theoretical body and scientific method related to the prevention and treatment of psychic (neurosis and psychosis), social and psychosomatic illnesses that was developed by the psychoanalyst, philosopher and social scientist Norberto R. Keppe. Keppe developed his interdisciplinary science based on his in-depth clinical experience and studies in the field of psychopathology, psychoanalysis (main German Schools), social science, philosophy and theology.
TV Programs
The psychoanalysts Norberto Keppe and Cláudia Pacheco produce therapeutic TV and radio programs with the goal of conscientizing the population. These programs are distributed and aired on more than 200 channels throughout 45 countries and in 11 languages.
Radio Programs
The STOP Radio Network’s feature radio show Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head features compelling conversations that explore the science of the soul emerging from the International Society of Analytical Trilogy.
Proton Publishing House was founded in 1976 by Norberto R. Keppe and Cláudia B. S. Pacheco, with the purpose of publishing the works of Integral Psychoanalysis, later named International Society of Analytical Trilogy.